We build and maintenance your infrastructure so you can focus on your business


Opty has been a great partner for many years! We have had an amazing experience with all of our operational requirements. Everything from time to production, monitoring, adoption of new tech, VPN, site-to-site internet, etc. Opty's dedication to excellent service and engineering expertise is first class.

James Fong. Co-Founder, President at Listia

Opty gives us piece of mind for our decentralized infrastructure. They make sure our nodes operate 24/7.

Yiannis V. Partner at Monday Capital

Our services

Why you should consider Opty

We are SRE

We are SRE who practice Google SRE standard: At least 50% time is spend on engineering project work to build tools, automation workflows. By writing code, we are more empathy and understand about software development and can help you modified your application to adop cloud native solutions.

Internal tooling

We have many cool tools we would love to demo to you: executable runbooks, google auth gateway, chatbot with approval policy, AWS cost analysis, inventory system(help you know current state of your system), migration helper, VPN with MFA that support self enrolling.

IoT experience

Opty has experiences dealing with IoT to consult to you on thing like: websocket deployments, telmetry, over the air update, ci/cd for embedded system.

Best practices

We adopt many best practice to help you not getting hack: using AWS assume role instead of normal IAM, try to run everything in private subnet, anything public should be routed via load balancer or sock proxy, Always have backup and actually verify it monthly, key rotation, never expose Jenkins to internet while still route webhook to it.

Bootstrap laptop env

We also help you to write docker compose service to support standing up services locally. Standarize local laptop setup so anyone can just run a few command and have a working environment setup on their laptop

Use our SaaS free

Once you subscribe to any Opty plan, you also get credits to use all of our SaaS and

Let's build a solid infrastructure

Want to deploy faster? Have some pain point in your infrastructure? We love to help you solve it

Our Other Products


Email forwarding for your domain with extra logging and sieve spam filter

Custom email forwarding for any domain with advanced routing logic and webhook processing, mail to post. Also support SMTP for outgoing email.

We build this to make it easy for DevOps team recived email and process them with webhook


Monitor social media and instantly notify you when a keyword occur

We build this because we want to monitor a certain activity happen for our own app and ended up turn it into a Saas


A weekly newsletter about programming, devops, computer science.

We constantly learns new technologies, keep up to do on best practices.

But why not share what we learn with others? So we collect links and send out every monday.


A webui to filter and compare ec2 instance price: on-demand price, reverse and spot price. all in the same page.


Serverless cronjob like gcp cloudrun scheduler or AWS beanstalk scheduler


We got tired of software MFA app that sync plain data to cloud so we build an E2E encryption MFA app